How To Draw Realistic Apple In photoshop:
- Make a sketch of apple with hard round brush with 100% flow and opacity. Turn on the Shape dynamics with control of pen pressure and turn on the transparency with control of Pen Pressure from brush panel.
- create new layer under the sketch layer and fill with solid color
- create new layer at top of solid color's layer and add the shading and tones on the apple structure.
- Mix those colors
- turn off the shape dynamics of brush panel. Change the opacity to 60% and flow to 20% of brush property. Then mix those colors more smoothly.
- Turn on the shape dynamics again and make the texture.
- add fill light with blue color tone at the edge of that apple.
- Create a new layer on the top and fill it with 50% grey. Change the layer mode to overlay.Then use black color for more dark tone and white color for more bright tone with soft brush ( very low opacity and flow) on that overlay layer.
How To draw Praying Mantis in Photoshop:
This is a first forwarding tutorial. If you have any queries you can leave a comment
How to add any picture on a Car body in Photoshop
Here I could not add Voice Instruction. SO I am Explaining those steps here:
1. choose a the car image and the picture which you want to add on the car.
2. select the area where you want to add. You can use pen tool or any lasso tool ( it depends on your comfort). But I use pen tool for selection.
3. Then create a new layer and fill it with white color.
4. and select the car layer and and do Layer via copy ( Short cut key is CTRL+J )
5. Copy layer will be on the top and hide it for now.
6.keep your design image layer on the top of white fill layer
7.right click on the design image layer and do clipping mask.
8. change the layer mode normal to multiply of white fill layer.
9. on the the top layer where you copy the selected area of the car.
10. disaturate the copy layer ( short cut key SHIFT + CTRL + U)
11. Change the layer mode normal to screen. and make a nice contrast between white and black with use of LEVEL OR CURVE adjustment
this is the process of add picture on a car body. Here I am not explaining the making of reflection which you can see at the last of this video.
Thank you
if any query or feedback, feel free to send me.
you can check my work and some tutorials at
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